The release of the Github REST API v3 has created a game-changing moment for developers everywhere. The new standard will allow for enhanced team collaboration, more efficient workflows and faster development time. But what are the implications on security?
The “github api parameters example” is a Swift implementation of the Github REST API v3. The code has been commented for clarity and to help with understanding how it works.
Implementation of the GitHub REST API version 3 in Swift. Swift 4.2 is supported by the library. The work is still under process.
Supported at the moment:
Use as an example
Authentication from the Ground Up
Basic Authentication with login/password is supported by this library:
UserAPI: let authentication = BasicAuthentication(username: “username”, password: “password”) UserAPI: let authentication = BasicAuthentication(username: “username”, password: “password”) (authentication: authentication). if let response = response, getUser (response, error) else print(error?? “”) print(response) else print(error?? “”)
Token for OAuth2 (sent in a header)
You may use AccessTokenAuthentication: if you produce a personal access token or obtain one using OAuth2.
UserAPI: let authentication = AccessTokenAuthentication(access token: “token”) UserAPI: let authentication = AccessTokenAuthentication(access token: “token”) UserAPI: let (authentication: authentication). obtainUser (username: “serhii-londar”) if let response = response (response, error) else print(error?? “”) print(response) else print(error?? “”)
Token for OAuth2 (sent as a parameter)
If you produce a personal access token or get an OAuth2 access token, you may use it in the following ways:
UserAPI: let authentication = TokenAuthentication(token: “token”) UserAPI: let authentication = TokenAuthentication(token: “token”) UserAPI: let (authentication: authentication). obtainAllUsers (since: “1”) (reposne, error) if response = response print(response) otherwise print(error?? “”)
APIs are issued.
Create a problem:
let issue = problem (description: “New Issue”) AccessTokenAuthentication(access token: “access token”)) IssuesAPI(authentication: AccessTokenAuthentication(access token: “access token”)) . createIssueIssueIssueIss (owner: “owner”, repository: “repository”, issue: issue) if let response = response else print(error?? “”) (response, error)
Issue with the Update:
let issue = problem (subject: “Revised Issue”) AccessTokenAuthentication(access token: “access token”), IssuesAPI(authentication: AccessTokenAuthentication(access token: “access token”), IssuesAPI(authentication: AccessTokenAuthentication(access issueIssueIssueIssueIss (owner: “owner”, repository: “repository”, number: number, issue: issue) if let response = response else print(error?? “”) (response, error)
API for Repositories
Get a list of all of the user’s repositories:
AccessTokenAuthentication(access token: “access token”), RepositoriesAPI(authentication: AccessTokenAuthentication(access token: “access token”), RepositoriesAPI(authentication: AccessTokenAuthentication(access archival systems (user: “user”, type: .all) if let response = response else print(error?? “”) (response, error)
API for searching
Find all repositories with the word qwer in the name:
SearchAPI().searchRepositories (page: 1, per page: 100, q: “qwer”) if let response = response else print(error?? “”) (response, error)
An example of an application
Clone the repo and run pod install from the Example directory to start the example project.
The example project includes a sample app that displays a list of all users’ GitHub notifications.
- Xcode 9 or later is required.
- iOS 9.0 and above
- macOS 10.12 or later is required.
- Ubuntu 16.04 or later is required.
- Swift 4.0 or later is required.
CocoaPods provides access to the GitHubAPI. Simply add the following line to your Podfile to install it:
[email protected] Serhii Londar
The MIT license applies to the GitHubAPI. For further information, see the LICENSE file.
The “swift instagram github” is a swift implementation of the Github REST API v3. The project is hosted on GitHub and has been updated to version 3.
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